Today, hearing loss is a common problem in all over the world. Hearing problem may generated at any level of an age. It may be become children, young boys and girls and old age male and female person. Hearing loss may occur by a head injury, by infections, by any disease and also medicine infection. Hearing loss may be become before birth and after the birth. Around the world 30% peoples are affected by hearing problem and mostly young peoples are affected from hearing loss. Today, young generation lives a hi-tech life they are enjoying party where a lot of noise available and they are like alcohol which is very dengerous for hearing and they are also like smoking which is very extremely high factor for hearing loss. Sound can hurt your hearing sensitivity like in noisy restaurant, there are a lot of noise available which is above 75 decibel, so if we are going that places then our ear drum can be damaged and we have to loss our hearing capacity. By heavy city traffic we can l...