
Showing posts from November, 2017

Hearing Loss Caused By Ear Infection

Hearing Loss Caused By Ear Infection Hearing loss may be become by many factors like aging, injury, noise exposure, infection and heredity. If hearing loss caused by ear infection is known as conductive hearing loss. Sometimes ear infection factor temporary or reversible hearing loss. Ear infection may be become by medicine and by any disease.

Types of hearing loss

 Hearing is a very important function in human body. Hearing loss problem ia a common problem in all over the world. It may be become at any level of an age like in childhood, in young boys and girls and old age male and female person. It may be become before the birth and after the birth. Mostly hearing loss problem will be become from extremely noise. For more visit :-

How can a child develop his personal identity with hearing loss

 If your child has the hearing probelm so first problems is that how we can identify that our child has the hearing problem. You should have to tell your child that don’t have problem with hearing loss and always think positively. You need to try to understand your child, hearing loss is not a big problem. For more visit :-

Difference between deaf,deafness and hard of hearing

Hearing is a very important function in our body and mostly human life is totally dependent on hearing. Hearing problem may be in one or both ear. In deafness, hearing ability is totally lost and various reasons are available for becoming hearing problem like by injury, by medicine infection and by any disease. For more visit :-

How can work cause your hearing loss ?

 Hearing is a very extremely week thing in our body. There are various resons for becoming hearing loss like by an injury, by medicine infection and by any disease. But some other reasons are responsible for becoming hearing loss like noise factor is also responsible for becoming hearing loss. In working area a lot of noise available for becoming hearing problem. For more visit :-

How do you keep your hearing good

 Hearing is a very essential component in our life. We have to always careful about our hearing. For protection our hearing, we should have to listen music and T.V. in lower volume. We should have to take always healthy food and do exercise like yoga regularly and properly. We should not go in noisy places because noise is a common factor for becoming hearing problem. For more visit :-

Reason to consult an audiologist

 Hearing is a very important thing and it is very important part in our body. When we have problem about hearing and any kind of problem in our ear so we are getting consult from an audiologist. If we have hearing problem and want a hearing aids then we have to get consult from an audiologist. For more visit :-

Effect on education by hearing loss

Effect on education by hearing loss Hearing is a common problem in all over the world and there are an extremely bad effect not only our education in-fact in every field. Two people have hearing loss problem out of five people. There are an extremely bad effect on education. If any person has hearing loss problem so he can not listen voice and communicate to other person. If a student show poorly behavior and getting bad grades so first think you about him that he is not good in his study.

Effect on education by hearing loss

Hearing is a common problem in all over the world and there are an extremely bad effect not only our education in-fact in every field. Two people have hearing loss problem out of five people. There are various reason for becoming hearing loss like by injury, by medicine infection and by any disease. Hearing loss problem may become at any level of an age like in childhood, in young boys and girls and old age female male and female persons. Hearing loss problem may become before birth and after the birth. There are three types of hearing loss available which are Conductive hearing loss, sensorineural and mixed  hearing loss. In hearing loss problem any person can not listen in right way so he can not communicate with other person in right way and he has not self-confidence in himself. By hearing loss there are an extremely bad effect not only education in every field. Hearing play an important role in human life and hearing is the important function in human body. Hearing loss ...

Insects are helping us develop the future of hearing aid

Mammals and insects have the equal condition in terms of hearing: the transformation and amplification of sound waves into information the brain can use. The internal organs of hearing in an insect are smaller and more sensitive to a larger range of frequencies, permitting the insect to recognizes sounds human are unable to hear.

Insects are helping us develop the future of hearing aid


Remote control app and smartphone hearing aid control

 Hearing is a common problem in our society and hearing aids is very helpful for improving our hearing. Hearing problem can not recover completely but can help in improving hearing. There are various types, technology based, styles and colours available of hearing aid. When you going to purchase hearing aids devices then firstly check out the new updates regarding the hearing aids and its technologies. For more visit :-

Why you should upgrade your hearing aids ?

 If you have hearing problem and you have listening problem in noisy atmosphere then you should upgrade your hearing aids. Hearing problem is a common problem in all over the world and various sizes of hearing aids are available in the market. Some things are provide to you and you should talk doctor about your hearing aids. For more visit :-

Why you should upgrade your hearing aids ?


Depression is the reason for becoming hearing loss

Hearing is very common problem in people and two people have hearing problem out of five people. Hearing problem may be in one ear or both ear. Depression occurs in people with hearing loss because they are not able to live their like they could before hearing loss. To treat hearing loss, you will either need to have surgery or you should look into getting a hearing aid. For more visit :-