Effect on education by hearing loss

Hearing is a common problem in all over the world and there are an extremely bad effect not only our education in-fact in every field. Two people have hearing loss problem out of five people. There are various reason for becoming hearing loss like by injury, by medicine infection and by any disease. Hearing loss problem may become at any level of an age like in childhood, in young boys and girls and old age female male and female persons. Hearing loss problem may become before birth and after the birth. There are three types of hearing loss available which are Conductive hearing loss, sensorineural and mixed hearing loss.

In hearing loss problem any person can not listen in right way so he can not communicate with other person in right way and he has not self-confidence in himself. By hearing loss there are an extremely bad effect not only education in every field. Hearing play an important role in human life and hearing is the important function in human body. Hearing loss problem may become not only one ear in-fact it may become in both ears.

There are an extremely bad effect on education. If any person has hearing loss problem so he can not listen voice and communicate to other person. If a student show poorly behavior and getting bad grades so first think you about him that he is not good in his study. But may be possible that he has hearing problem. And person with hearing loss has the problem in communication.

In speech and language pathology, we are study about speech and learn how to show their behaviour and attitude in-front of the those person which have hearing loss problem. From first five years of any person’s life is very important and at that time they are learning about the basic things of life.

There are various way for removing hearing loss like yoga can help for removing hearing problem and by some medicine we can removing hearing problem and healthy food is also good option for removing hearing problem. Another thing for removing hearing problem is hearing aids which is very helpful for hearing. There are various category available for hearing aids and digital hearing aids are mostly used by those people who have hearing problem.


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